
Self Portrait 2.19.15


A while ago I started a "self-portrait-a-day-for-a-year" project and I never finished it. I don't even think I hit 100! I think I didn't set enough ground rules for myself, so I just gave up on it. I decided I wanted to start again, but this time with some rules I actually have to stick to.

The Rules:

  • must be at least 8x8 inches
  • any medium
  • must work from a photo or mirror
  • 1 hour time limit

So really, it's not that many rules. It's enough to give me some guidance but also not too many where I feel constricted.

Here's the one for today, 2.19.15:

Self portrait for 2.19.15photoshop/mirror

After this week, I'm going to go back to posting the roundup of portraits for the week, starting this Monday, 2.23.15. I will, however, be posting them every day onto my tumblr, so if you can't wait then feel free to follow me there!