Okay, well this little guy is actually a dimetrodon which makes him a pelycosaur rather than a dinosaur, but we can just pretend. I've seen this idea before, stringing up little trinkets and toys to create new jewelry, and for some reason I decided I needed a dinosaur necklace. I was quite surprised at how hard it was to find small dino toys, but eventually I found a big pack of them for 3 bucks so I snatched it up. Most of the dinos in the package are too large for what I wanted to do, so I need to figure out what to do with them. There were, however, about 4 or 5 guys in the package that would work just fine.

Here's the little guy I picked.
I used Krylon Fusion spray paint because it's supposed to bond to plastic and I wanted the best possible chance of the paint staying on and not flaking off on me as I wore it. I suppose I could have just used some cheaper stuff but I didn't want to risk it.

Here he is, lookin' all shiny and new.
I have a tiny drill that I used to drill into the plastic to make way for the jewelry findings. I actually messed up because the plastic is very thin on this guys fin so I ended up drilling right through. That was fixed by a very generous glob of glue.

And finally strung up as a necklace.
This guy is pretty cute and I can't wait to wear it out! Now I just have to figure out what to do with the remaining dinosaurs...