
Misc-, Tutorials

Redo Wind-up Key

Six years ago I posted a Halloween costume I made that featured a working wind up key. Four years ago I posted a tutorial on how to make said key and around Halloween it's almost always my top visited post. My husband has been wanting me to make some tutorials in video format, so I thought what better tutorial than this! So lo and behold, here's the video!

Here's a quick little photo recap of the video:

01Supplies. Not pictured are some pliers and a screwdriver that I used to take the toy apart.

02The sacrifice. Poor guy didn't see it coming.

03This toy was nice because it was held together by just two screws. After unscrewing I just pulled the mechanism out. This is all we need from him!

In the original tutorial I used pliers to break off the wind up toy grip but this time my dowel(aka the piece of bamboo I had lying around) already had a hole in it and it was the perfect size with the grip still attached, so I just kept it on.

04Mark the center point of the belt, cut a teeny tiny hole and stick the wind up mechanism through. You want to tack it down with a small dab of hot glue, taking care not to glue the moving parts.

Oh yes, the belt. That's how we will be securing the key to our bodies! I had this black elastic belt that I never wore anymore so I just used that.

05To hide the white boxy mechanism cut a piece of matching fabric (I used fleece) and attach it on the belt. You can either sew it on or hot glue it.

06Making the key pattern out of form core board. I traced a glass and then free handed the rest of it.

08So in the previous tutorial I said to use a strong glue, namely a two part epoxy, since people will be cranking that thing all night. However, I have since tested it out and using a high temperature hot glue gun works just as well. You can still use a stronger glue of course, but hot glue does work.

09For painting I did two coats of black as a base and then finished with a single coat of an antique copper.

Do not use spray paint! If you've made your key out of foam core board the chemicals in spray paint will react with the foam and eat it away. Craft paint is the way to go here.

10Almost done!

11You'll just want to put a bit of hot glue into the hole of the dowel. I had a pre-existing hole, but normally you would have had to CAREFULLY drill a small hole on the end of the key.

12And here it is on the back of my costume!

hobbeswindupAnd in motion!

So I hope you guys enjoyed the video. Is that something I should do more often? Let me know! It's pretty weird to sit there and talk to the camera, but it turned out alright I think.


Wind me up!

Phew, it's been a while!  If you guys hadn't noticed, this blogging thing is pretty difficult for me to stay on top of.  Hopefully soon I'll be able to post somewhat regularly, haha. :) I've done a few things between now and my last post.. one of the biggest things being attending the Austin Maker Faire.. and I know I'm going to be a few weeks late, but I'll eventually post a few of my pictures from there.  I also made a duct tape dressform for my little sister and I've started a jacket.. which has been sitting in my room half finished for about a week.  Oh yeah, I just made these awesome earrings, but you'll just have to wait for those pictures because this post is really for my... halloween costume!

I decided to be a wind up doll and I really wanted to put moving parts on it.. of course that would be the little key part on the back.  All in all, I made a corset-ish type top, a simple circle skirt and an awesome petticoat that I love.. and will definately use again.. but I don't have any pictures of it because it's pretty see through.  Last year I made a last minute petticoat with tulle and I just took a piece and gathered it so it was kind of like a tutu, but I really hated it.. it was uncomfortable and I didn't like the way it looked, so this year I decided to put more time and money into one so hopefully I could reuse it time and time again.  I used this tutorial by sugardale but I shortened the length to fit the skirt.  It was somewhat time consuming, took up a lot of thread, but overall I'm super happy with the result and I know I'll be saving it to use again and again!

For the skirt I also used a tutorial, but I cannot find the exact one I used right now, but there are pages and pages of circle skirt patterns when I searched google, so if you need one that's a good resource.

I'm not too happy with how the top came out.. I really wanted it to be a corset, but I just wasn't confident enough with myself and I just ended up sewing panels together and lacing up the back.. so it was somewhat like a corset.  I refused to buy a pattern and tried to make one myself, which I regret doing, but it was too late to go out and buy one by the time I was making the top, so I guess I just lived and learned :)

So, I've been building up the anticipation to see this costume I've been rambling on about, so I present now, the pictures!

The makeup:

And finally, the part I'm most proud of with this costume... the wind-able key! httpv:// Testing it out.

httpv:// Actually on the costume.

So there's that.  I hope you guys enjoyed it, unfortunately I'm the only one who enjoyed this costume haha, for the party I was going to attend didn't happen, so I spent all night on Halloween playing Little Big Planet. :)