I'm not even going to try to come up with excuses as to why I haven't posted in forever... I'll just get to the good stuff.
My little sister had some shoes she didn't really care for anymore, and asked if I could re-cover them for her. I had seen an article in Craft Magazine where they had done this so I knew it could be done.
Here are the shoes in question:

So following the instructions in that magazine, I whip out my exacto knife and start cutting.

Basically you cut all of the fabric off.. All of it! Also, not pictured is me ripping out the inside of the shoe. The bottom cushioned part.. thing. Be careful when you do this though, because you'll need them later.

The remains of the shoes. As you can see, I kind of rushed ripping out the bottom parts.

Next, I took the fabric she chose and used the old shoe fabric to make a pattern. You might not want to use markers here to draw it out... I just usually end up grabbing the closest thing to me when I'm doing this sort of thing.

I also drew out and cut the pattern out with the inside fabric, shown here. These are the tongues of the shoes. (I also cut them with the houndstooth fabric as well)

Sew those puppies up. I used the old fabric from the shoe as a guide for the decorative sewing.

Sorry, bad picture.. Me grommeting the holes for the laces.

A crappy, blurry picture of the new pieces with the old pieces. As you can see, I added a little more on the bottom of the tongue because I wanted to make sure I had enough. I ended up cutting off some when I put it in, but I figured that was better then not having enough!
More unpictured steps are where I glued in the fabric. I glued in at least 1/4 inch of the fabric all around the bottom edge of the shoes, glued the tongue in and finally the bottom cushioned part back in place. If done right, the fabric for the main part of the shoe should be sandwiched between the sole of the shoe and the cushioned part that was glued in last.
I waited for the glue to cure and whatnot before I laced them up because I didn't want to accidentally rip out the fabric.

What I did though, was put the shoes on (unlaced) to put some weight on the shoes so it would be stuck real good!

Ta da! All laced up and ready to go!
I'm hoping to take some better pictures of the shoes soon. When I do I'll make sure to post them up!